Wednesday, August 4, 2010


A friend of mine once told me that love is nothing but an attractive force that exists between two organisms. I am indulged in theoretical discussion of these forces that are similar to the forces commonly known in the physical world. Comparing the types of love with the types of natural forces I came to the conclusion love can be of three types
Gravitational love,
Magnetic love and

Electric love.
Before any complication arises between the readers I would like to clear them all what are the different types of loves that psychiatrists define

We come to Agape first. Agape is the love for an object for a person for an animal or anything that exists in this world. This is sometimes called Christian Love, but being impartial I know this fact every religion teaches us to have Agape for the world. Now compare it with gravitation. What theory says is that gravitation is the attractive force that exists between two bodies having certain mass kept at a certain distance. It is dependent upon the magnitude of the mass and the gravitational field strength of the masses along a straight line.
Next we come to Storge, it is the love that exists in the form of affection. T
he love of parents, classmates and persons married for 10 years! This can be called friendship, kinship, affection or just emotional support with negligible erotic passions. It is a combined effect of gravitation and magnetism.
Eros gives a different concept of love. It is sometimes called Hollywood love. The amount of passion and ecstasy that is associated with it gives this name. Eros can be compared with magnetic attraction that exists between two magnets. Eros can be sometimes repulsive and non-responsive. It is a fact that romance is short lived. Magnets have two poles North and South, so as Eros love can be very enjoyable and entertaining at times, people in Eros love feels thems
elves attracted to the loved ones, but this can happen that similar poles are faced to two persons and then the egocentric clash and feeling of getting repelled by the onetime romantic partners can be experienced. That is why many love birds are ultimately broken apart and never got united due to their egocentric barriers, but as the law says if the poles are faced in opposite direction only then attraction is possible. That is why scientist says to the broken hearts “change your poles [attitudes]”.
Examples of Mania love can be obtained in the film “Taxi Driver”. It is a strongly passionate and erotic love that is sometimes like a roller coaster ride with emotions. Mania love is sometimes dangerous because of strong emotional impulse that drives a person crazy. Mania can be accounted for a magnetic substance being consistently attracted to a magnet, the former being the victim of the magnetic force. Film actors, cricket players, sometimes beautiful women create this magnetic field of attraction [mania] that their fans suffer from.

Ludus love is game playing love. It is a game of pursuits and conquests. It is accompanied by lack of any commitment rather it is mostly physical attraction oriented. It can be compared to electromagnetic force. This force is dependent upon the combined magnitude of charge and the magnetic field strength of the two matters involved. It can be attractive or repulsive in nature, so as Ludus love can be attractive or repulsive depending upon the external attractiveness and personal achievements of the individuals involved.
Next come to Pragma, it is the rational love that is entirely dependent upon materialistic gains, means a person is attracted to another person preferably due to his or her fame, degree, money, family background and other practical achievements. Example: The film “Pretty Woman”. This is more rational love than emotional love and it is the kind of love we feel for the politicians [no pun intended], rockstars, filmstars, cricket players etc etc. This is purely static electricity, Coulomb’s Law define them. The electrostatic attraction is always dependent on the charge content of the materials involved and it can be severely repulsive if the charge type is similar, that is why two filmstars can never remain happily together for long. A slight difference in mentality is preferable in Pragma love.

We make a comparative study of the love types in a linear scale that is defined with magnitudes of forces

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