Saturday, December 4, 2010

The cold chuckle

There lies the dreadful misery of the poor Jew in front of the vicious racist. The smile turned into the coldness of tyranny and numbness of death. They want him to die for them. His life has no value as such, he can not be a part of the Reich,he has to give his blood to account for his sin,sin to be born as a Jew. Thereafter he is put into the forced labor camp,to build tanks and guns for the army. This is how a civilization is grown, at the expense of lives. The thriving soldiers of the poor country often despise their onetime masters, complaining about their lives,about how they have been forgotten,how they fought bravely for the queen. They are the birds of the same feather. They are like chewing gum that are to be thrown after their use is over. How can they be remembered? They were supposed to be dead by now,but they are still living,is that a reason for their complain? These people don't understand the fact that they are slaves, they cannot be respected. They cannot be given privileges that they are craving for, they deserve a life meant to perish sooner or later in the service of the victorious (read vicious) racists. Disobeying them will be another call for a lash. The wild beast of racism lies hidden inside the cold chuckle of fraternity. This is how we define humanity.

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